Becoming Part of Michigan’s Authorizing Experience

When public charter schools were created in Michigan statute more than 25 years ago, lawmakers created more than just a new type of school. They created a new educational practice: authorizing. 

Michigan’s authorizers are responsible for determining who receives a charter and appointing board members. They work to define each school’s performance expectations, ensure legal and contractual compliance, and hold the school accountable for delivering promised outcomes for students. Along the way, authorizers are supporting their partner schools with professional development, informational resources, and other tools for success.

These highly specialized functions didn’t exist a quarter century ago. As we have developed the strategies necessary to authorize public charter schools successfully, we’ve worked to share them with one another and with other new authorizers that enter the profession.

Recently, the Michigan Council of Charter School Authorizers partnered with the National Charter Schools Institute and Michigan Department of Education to share a video examining what it means to be an authorizer in Michigan. Whether you’re working with a long-established authorizer or considering the activity for your own organization, we encourage you to review this video and contact us for additional information.